This is progress one back panel, the smallest. It's about 80% complete, needing a border at the top and fill-in around the design. It's based on a design I can't post because I borrowed it from somewhere on the interweb.
The bride is impressed!
Sarah was here for a few days. She'd booked a flight hoping to see Mom one last time. But it was not to be so she visited with us and some of her aunts and uncles and cousins. She slept late and read and watched movies and cooked Paleo food for us which helped me clean up my eating. Our big event was going to In N Out Burger then to the movies to see Admission.

Today she told me the shop on Fabric Row in South Philly where she bought the silk burned down. Hope we don't need more, but we will need to make the flowers and petals and will also need silk organza for that. Hope some one else on the row sells it. The really sad thing is a fire fighter died in the fire. I imagine a fabric store would go up fast with all the chemicals the material is treated with.