Saturday, August 3, 2013

Crunch Time!

I knew it would come to this. Despite MONTHS of diligent designing and beading, the last weeks before the wedding are here. I wish I was further along. I have about 3 weeks until I want this finished and shipped.

 But the past months were tough. Sometimes my mind was to numb to decide where to stitch the next bead. Sometimes sewing tiny pieces of glass onto delicate fabric was a familiar comfort.

Weddings are always a bright point in life, but the trials of 2013 so far will make this wedding even more so. Good grief, I'm glad we have this to look forward to.

So, for this post, the pics are going to extend to the side so you can see more detail. My photographic skills aren't very good, but...

I basted the bodice pieces together to see if it would still fit because the stiching puckers it a little. It's pretty good, but I plan to make the seam allowances a little smaller to give some ease and room for the boning.

Still a bunch to do...

I also started the skirt. Here's a piece laid out on the silk. I added some for a hem. I took the skirt from the muslin, took it apart and used those pieces. I think the piece pictured is the side back for the under skirt. I found a very light mesh to sew onto it for stability but it still maintains the flow and lightness of the silk.

Here's a piece for the outer skirt that has to be tucked up all over the place so it needs to be longer. It will also be wider in spots so I hope that's not a problem. I took half the skirt pieces from the muslin and split them horizontally  two times and pinned them with eight inches between them, making each piece 16" longer than the original. I'm hoping that's not going to be too much for the short front. I'm sure experienced pattern makers or someone with better math skills would have done this differently.

I have both skirts sewn together. Next is to press the seams flat and sew them together at the bottoms, which could be tricky. I'll work on it today until my little sewing corner gets too warm and I get too cranky. Then I;ll move to a cooler place and write. Oops! I mean, bead.

Remaining to do:
1. the tulle underneath (sounds like a horror movie title)
2. the tucks and puckers
3. the lining and boning
4. sewing petals on the tuck and puckers
5. figuring out how to ship it
6. my dress
7. the father's attire

Well, I'm off to it!

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